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Prolyte has grown large in the nineties of the last century, when there was a large demand for portable truss constructions. One of our most important innovations from that period was thenvention of the conical coupling system (CCS®) now one of the standards in high quality truss. Much copied, but never improved. Apart from that we have developed a lot more innovative products, like the box-corner system, the folding truss, the MPT tower, the ST tower, the S100 truss, the triangular box corner, the roof systems etc.
Cirkel 4 Mtr
Cirkel 4 Mtr
art. no.: 200784
X30D cirkel 4 mtr
Cirkel 5 Mtr
Cirkel 5 Mtr
art. no.: 200785
X30D cirkel 5 mtr
Cirkel 6 Mtr
Cirkel 6 Mtr
art. no.: 200786
X30D cirkel 6 mtr
Cirkel 8 Mtr
Cirkel 8 Mtr
art. no.: 200790
X30D cirkel 8 mtr
Cirkel 9 Mtr
Cirkel 9 Mtr
art. no.: 200791
X30D truss 9 mtr
Cirkel 10 Mtr
Cirkel 10 Mtr
art. no.: 200792
X30D cirkel 10 mtr